Ottoman sources about the army in Hungary
Book A török hódoltság várai és várkatonasága written by prof. Klára Hegyi in two volumes brings in 1215 pages almost all known Ottoman military sources for the area of Ottoman Hungary north of the Drava.
The sources are available free of charge online on the website of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
- The first volume is the scientific study by prof. Hegyi.
- The second volume is presenting sources for Budin Eyalet.
- The third volume is presenting sources for other Hungarian Eyalets.
The book has also been translated into English – Klára Hegyi, The Ottoman Military Organization in Hungary – Fortresses, Fortress Garrisons and Finances (Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2018). Although the study was completely translated from Hungarian into English, the accompanying sources were unfortunately shortened from 1215 to 244 pages. Most of the data was published, but only in the form of summary tables. For more thorough use, it is definitely recommended to supplement the English version with the freely available Hungarian.
Hegyi Klára: A török hódoltság várai és várkatonasága I. kötet
Volume 1 - scientific study.
Hegyi Klára: A török hódoltság várai és várkatonasága II. kötet
Volume 2 - Buda Eyalet.
Hegyi Klára: A török hódoltság várai és várkatonasága III. kötet
Volume 3 - other Hungarian Eyalets.